April 24, 2024

Easiest Way To Clean A Dirty RV Roof

When ignored through the winter months, your RV roof can get a bit gnarly. Algae, moss and tree pollen build up over the winter and spring will create a nasty mess. The negative impacts of dirty roof include:

  • Discoloration and staining on the side of your RV can occur when nasty water runs off of a dirty roof
  • A dirty and slimy roof is a safety hazard causing you to potentially slip and fall when it’s wet
  • Mossy build-up may also expand water-tight seals which can lead to water damage.

Ok. Enough bad news. Here are some tips to clean your dirty RV roof and keep it clean throughout the year.

BE CAREFUL! Always use caution when working on your roof. A wet and slimy roof can be very slippery. You could injure yourself.

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How To Quickly Clean A Dirty RV Roof

Pressure washing is really the most efficient method I’ve found to quickly clean your roof once it has accumulated a lot of build up. Just be careful. When using a pressure washer keep your spray head a safe distance from the surface and use caution around seals and vents.

Keeping a small pressure washer on board your RV can save you time and effort, especially for those hard-to-reach spots.

If you prefer not to use a pressure washer to clean your RV roof, you can always cut through the grime by hand. This method will require a bit of elbow grease. Spray on some Simple Green to break down the grime, then scrub it off with a brush or rag. Finish it off with a good rinse.

Condition your Rubber Roof

After a good cleaning, I also apply a coat of rubber roof cleaner and protector after the power wash to condition the roof and protect it from the elements.

Inspect Your Roof and Repair Worn Out Seals

Inspect your roof several times a year. While you’re up on the roof inspect all of your water tight seals. Then reinforce or re-seal as needed to protect from any potential water damage.

For big sealing jobs, I recommend you use Dicor Lap Sealant. I keep a tube handy at all times. For smaller patch jobs, exterior silicon or latex caulk works.

Finally, consider adding a strip of 4″ Eternabond Waterproofing Tape over your main roof seams for an added layer of protection.


Follow these tips and you’ll eliminate most roof-related RV issues. Plus your roof will stay clean year round.

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